Sunday, June 17, 2018

Book Review: The Lighter Side of the Power Game by Mohammad Asghar Khan

This book written by Mohammad Asghar Khan is about his life experiences. These experiences are regarding the lighter side of the power game in his words. The author believes that it would certainly provide lessons for those aspiring to positions of authority. Based on twenty four small chapters, this book brings out experiences of Khan in PAF and his post retirement life in politics. The challenges he faced as a politician are also shared...

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Book Review: The Art of War by Sun Tzu

I read The Art of War in 2012. Back then I could not grasp various facets of this classic text. Sun Tzu a Chinese warrior philosopher compiled this amazing book 2000 years ago. The book revolves around strategy and conflict management. To date the importance of this book has not diminished. From interpersonal to international level Sun Tzu talks about victory without combat. This according to him is only possible through proper understanding...

Friday, June 15, 2018

Book Review: Imperial Gazetteer Provincial Series Kashmir and Jammu by Sir Walter Lawrence

The articles in this volume are written by Sir Walter Lawrence, Bart., G.C.I.E. Physical environment, history, archaeology, population, agriculture, forests, minerals, arts, commerce, political relations, administration, education and means of communication are discussed in great detail with relevant statistical data. Back then covering long distances was a troublesome task for any traveller. The distance from Gilgit to Srinagar was 228...

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Book Review: The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

This famous bestselling book of the Lebanese American writer Kahlil Gibran is written about a prophet who waits to board a homebound ship.There he addresses his followers. His teachings consists of 26 prose poetry essays on themes which include children, work, clothes, crime, punishment, reason, passion, pain, self-knowledge, friendship, time, religion and death. The prophet addresses his followers on all these significant subjects in life. To...