Monday, July 20, 2020

Book Review: The Idea of History Through Ages by Tahir Kamran

Tahir Kamran, the author of this book helps the reader understand important aspects of historiography. Various theoretical forms are discussed in this work. In the introduction of this book history as a subject is discussed. Whether history is a science or art is debated. The historical method of history is given which divides into a). Preliminaries, b). Analytical method and c). Synthetic method. Detailed classification of historical evidence is also covered in the first chapter.

The second chapter is regarding the Greco-Roman historians. The definition of myth, legend and epic is covered. Starting from Herodotus, Greek historiography is briefly explained. Muslim historians of the medieval times are enclosed in the third chapter. Starting with Al- Tabari and closing with Saqi Mustaid Khan of Aurangzeb’s time period, many historians are included. This includes writers of Arab, Turk, Central Asian and Indian origin. Ibn-e-Khaldun’s views on history, political sociology, geography, education and economics is discussed. His significance and knowledge is also presented before the reader. With that, under historiography many writers who worked under Mughal rule have also been included.

Chapter four brings to light the re-emergence of history in Europe. Vice, Montesquieu, Edward Gibbon and Leopold Van Ranke are under discussion. Their influence, arguments, biases and errors are also mentioned. Historians of Europe in the nineteenth century is the fifth chapter. Under this five schools of history are mentioned. Prussian School of History, Romantic School of History, Political School of History, Oxford School of History and Cambridge School of History are briefly discussed. The writers affiliated with these schools are also reflected upon. The limitations of various works by scholars under different schools are also addressed by the author.

The sixth chapter is on History and Dialectics. Hegel and Marx are explained by the author. How Marx uses Hegel’s method to devise his own ideas is mentioned. Their different methods are also mentioned. The last chapter is about Spengler and Toynbee. Spengler demonstrated that world history is city history and that great cultures are town cultures. Moreover, he writes about civilization. Toynbee has worked on the genesis, growth, and breakdown and disintegration of civilization. This book is certainly a good read as it provides a good overview of the idea of History through ages, as the book title suggests.

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