Monday, July 9, 2018

Book Review: Walking with the Comrades by Arundhati Roy

This work by Arundhati Roy draws serious attention on the ongoing rebel movement in India. Maoist guerillas are waging war against the brutal and suppressive Indian government which is adamant on furthering the interests of multi-million dollar corporations. Roy writes about the time she spent with the guerillas on the frontline fighting the government soldiers. She writes briefly about the history of the Naxalites, different personalities of...

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Book Review: Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

Into the wild is based on Christopher Johnson McCandless’s real story. After completing his university degree he decided to live in the wild. He gave $25,000 of his savings to a charity. In April 1992 he hitchhiked to Alaska and moved north of Mt. Kinley. During this journey he had to abandon his car, burn his wallet cash and experience a new way of living. He chose this life. Many writers/commentators believe McCandless to be mentally unstable...