Sunday, October 21, 2018

Book Review: The China-Pakistan Axis Asia's New Geopolitics by Andrew Small

Andrew Small has given an impressive account of friendship of India’s two most powerful neighbors. China and Pakistan known as all-weather friends but over the years this relation has also not escaped trouble.  Based on eight chapters this book narrates the historical background of China Pakistan relations.  Moreover issues related to nuclear development and cooperation between China and Pakistan is addressed in great detail. A comprehensive study...

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Book Review: World Famous Dictators by Ian Schott

World Famous Dictators by Ian Schott is a short book regarding ten ruthless autocratic rulers. The countries which they ruled include Haiti, Ancient Rome, Uganda, Mongolia, Rumania, Russia, Central African Republic, Germany and Iraq. Early childhood, rise to power and the brutal methods of coercion of the dictators are elaborated. Anecdotes are mentioned which reflect their brutal and ruthless commonalities. Collectively these dictators killed...