Friday, November 30, 2018

Book Review: Spirits Rebellious by Kahlil Gibran

I read Khalil Gibran for the first time in my first year of university. Originally written in Arabic Spirits Rebellious caused great agitation and trouble after its publication. It was burnt by both the Church and the angered state officials as it was considered a threat to state stability. Back then Lebanon was under brutal Turkish rule. Gibran rose against the religious and political injustice during that time. Specifically the story of...

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Book Review: Contemporary Issues in Pakistan Studies by Saeed Shafqat

This particular book by Dr. Saeed Shafqat is a compilation of different articles. In every article a separate theme has been addressed. Writers who contribute to this book analyze the issues confronting Pakistan. These writers are from different academic backgrounds who analyze with great detail. Moreover this document is an excellent example of inter disciplinary work with respect to Pakistan Studies.  A total of thirteen articles have...