Monday, August 19, 2019

Book Review: The Founding of the Kashmir State; A Biography of Maharajah Gulab Singh 1792-1858

The Founding of the Kashmir State is divided into nine chapters. To some Gulab Singh seemed an opportunist who took advantage of the confusion which followed after Ranjit Singh’s death. He was able to carve out a state for himself with the establishment of Jammu and Kashmir by the Treaty of 1846. Gulab Singh was the son of Kishore Singh. Gulab Singh’s sons were Randhir Singh, Sohan Singh and Ranbir Singh. Gulab was under his grandfather’s...

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Book Review: Etherton at Kashgar Rhetoric and Reality in the History of the Great Game by Daniel C. Waugh

I believe this research article is a very important one, as it brings out the complexities regarding the politics in East Asia in the late ninetieth and early twentieth century. Etherton’s career is highlighted in the first chapter. Etherton was a British officer, traveler and writer. He fought for the British in Africa in 1901 and then joined Garhwal Rifles, a largely native regiment in northern India. Etherton’s two famous books are Across...