Monday, December 16, 2019

Book Review: The Diary of a Social Butterfly by Moni Mohsin

I bought this book when I thought I was giving too much time to history and politics. So I bought this one- just for a break. This is an interesting book about a Pakistani elite woman who lives in her own world. The writer brought together many acts, events, attitudes and sophistication into one character called ‘Butterfly’. Butterfly lives in a high society where she acts and behaves in a certain manner. This provokes the reader in...

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Book Review: 11 Life Lessons from Nelson Mandela by Ndaba Mandela

Ndaba Mandela, the grandson of Nelson Mandela, writes this book as an account of his experiences with his grandfather. This includes his upbringing by his grandfather, troubles in life, lessons and principles learnt from his grandfather. Based on eleven chapters this book brings to light the dimensions of Nelson Mandela’s life, never discussed before. The author discusses apartheid in daily life in South Africa. The police could raid any house...