Saturday, September 4, 2021

Book Review: The Ismailis and Kirgiz of the Upper Amu Darya and Pamirs in Afghanistan: A Micro-history of Delineating International Borders by David Straub

 This thesis explores the Afghan occupation of the Upper Amu Darya and the Pamirs. The creation of the international borders in 1895 and the effect it had on the Ismaili and Kirghiz communities is investigated. Special emphasis is placed on how the new borders impacted trade and migration. With that, the position of the local political elites is also discussed. Many of the border agreements are also mentioned in this world. How British, Russia,...

Book Review: Letter from Birmingham Jail By Martin Luther King, Jr.

 This text calls for direct, non-violent resistance in the fight against racism. With that it brings forward the healing power of love. Luther believes that Birmingham is probably the most segregated city in the United States. He says that for years he has been hearing the word ‘Wait!’. This ‘Wait’ according to him, has always meant ‘Never’. Luther talks about the nations of Asia and Africa gaining independence. Meanwhile in the United States...