Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Book Review: The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell (with an Introduction by John Skorupski)

This work of Bertrand Russell was originally published in 1912. In this he covers many interesting themes. Some of them include subjects, such as the distinction between appearance and reality, the existence and nature of matter, idealism, knowledge by the acquaintance and by description, induction, and the limits and the value of philosophical knowledge. I have tried to cover of the points in the book review.All our knowledge, both knowledge of...

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Book Review: Glimpses Into The Corridors of Power by Gohar Ayub Khan

Gohar Ayub Khan's book provides an insight to the upper echelons of power in Pakistan. Basically this book serves as an autobiography. Khan provides details of his grandfather and father. He also briefly traces his family history. Ayub Khan's father was a Risaldar Major, and when he passed away Ayub was away from home. When Ayub returned home he opened his father's grave (p. 8). I am not certain if this is still practiced in Pakistan. The author...

Friday, February 16, 2024

Book Review: In Praise of Idleness by Bertrand Russell

This collection of Russell contains different essays on social questions in which he scrutinizes many aspects of modern life. Spread over fifteen chapters, Russell makes interesting points, some of which I mention in this book review. Russell believes that formerly there was 'a capacity for light-heartedness and play which has been to some extent inhibited by the cult of efficiency' (p. 22). He also says that the more we know the more harm we...

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Book Review: Property Taxes and State Incapacity in Pakistan by Muhammad Mujtaba Piracha

Piracaha tries to provide answers to some of the most serious questions regarding taxation in Punjab, the most populated province of Pakistan. The author discusses the reasons behind the low property tax in Punjab, inter-governmental politics, low fiscal equilibrium, public service delivery, formal tax collection, questions of enforcement and what can be done to improve the tax collection. In the preface of the book Pircaha writes about the 'fiscal...