Sunday, February 1, 2015

Book Review: A Short History of the Ismailis by Farhad Daftary

Ismailis are one of the major Shia Muslim communities of the world. Currently they are present in 25 countries of the world in Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. Until recently the Ismailis were studied on the accounts of their enemies. In 1930’s the study of Ismailism started to revolutionize, as the recovery of a large number of Ismaili text in private collections proved to be a catalyst.

Daftary’s book is part of the modern scholarship which has discussed the main developments and phases throughout the Ismaili history. These phases include the early formative phase, Fatimid phase, Alamut period, post-Alamut periods and the later modern developments in the Nizari Community after the 13th century.

Major schisms that took place within Ismailism have also been discussed. The relations of Nizari Ismailis with the Sufis have also highlighted. Concepts such as dawa, dai, Taqiyya are explained in detail. Esoteric and exoteric concepts in Ismailism are made clear with reference to historical events and practices. This book critically examines the Ismaili historiography and is a concise survey to study for researchers to study.


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