Thursday, February 21, 2019

Book Review: Iqbal As I Knew Him by Doris Ahmed

This book is a first-hand account of a German lady who lives in Dr. Muhammad Iqbal’s house. She comes to his house after the death of his wife Sardar Begum. Doris looks after Allama Iqbal’s children and manages his house.

In the book the author mainly talks about Iqbal and the people around him. Doris discusses Iqbal’s daily routine, his clothes, servants, his house, children and his friends. The last five headings of the book are dedicated to Iqbal’s relatives. The author views Iqbal as a deeply religious person who leads a simple life. Nawab of Bhopal sends monthly stipend of Rs 500 to Iqbal. In addition to that Iqbal refrains from taking beef as it makes him ill. The reason Iqbal states is that his ancestors had been Hindu Brahmans.

 Iqbal cares a lot for his children Bano and Javed. He had married thrice. When Iqbal was on his deathbed he really missed Hakim Qarshi who was away in Hyderabad. He believed Qarshi could provide him comfort.

Furthermore the book includes about Javed’s growing up, going to Cambridge, coming back, getting married and having children. It also includes details about Bano and her children. There are about half a dozen pictures at the end of the book which includes author’s pictures with Iqbal’s family. This book reveals the relations of Allama Iqbal with his close friends and family.


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