Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Book Review: Afghanistan and the Afghans by Major H.W. Bellew

This book/document provides a brief account of the history of Afghanistan and its people. It gives a special mention to the continuing crisis with Amir Sher Ali Khan of Afghanistan. The author tries to show that Afghanistan is unable to maintain its independence as a friendly neighbor without British support. He holds this view in reference to the aggressive policy of the Russians. Bellew traces history of Afghans during the time of the Mughal...

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Book Review: Karl Marx by David McLellan

I am writing this review after almost six years. I read this book back in summer 2013. Karl Marx was born in Trier in 1818 and he died in 1893. Marx spent a lot of his time with Young Hegelian intellectuals. He tried his career in journalism. Marx was expelled from Paris for subversive journalism. He met Engels who was the son of a Rhenish cotton spinner. Engels brought Marx a practical acquaintance with the workings of capitalism, provided...

Book Review: Teachings of Rumi by Andrew Harvey

Jalal-ud-din Rumi, one of the greatest mystics of Islam was probably born in Balkh Afghanistan in September 1207. He died in Konya in Southern Turkey in December 1273. Mevlevi order was founded by him and continued by his son Sultan Valad. He spread his vision all over Asia and Africa.  Rumi combined the intellect of a Plato, the vision and enlightened soul-force of a Buddha or a Christ, and the extravagant literary gifts of a Shakespeare....

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Book Review: The Principality and Power of Europe by Adrian Hilton

Adrian Hilton’s book was published in 1997. The author was a parliamentary candidate who also produced many theater programs. He was also a lecturer in psychology. Hilton argues that United Kingdom has the right to remain independent politically, economically and religiously. He throws lights on the spiritual and political aspects working throughout Europe. Covering many details of the relationships the author stresses on the importance of sovereignty,...

Book Review: Fire on the Mountain by Anita Desai

Nanda Kaul an old lady wants to be left alone for the last years of her life. She lives in a quite house at Carignano in Kasauli. This relatively short book is divided into three parts. The first part discusses Nanda Kaul’s life at Carignano. The arrival of her great granddaughter Raka is covered in the second part. The third and last part of the book is about Ila Das’s departure from Carignano. Nanda Kaul’s daughter is Asha. Asha is mother...