Friday, November 1, 2019

Book Review: Ice Mummy- The Discovery of a 5000-year-old man by Mark Dubowski and Cathy East Dubowski

This is a short interesting read about a mummy. The special thing about this mummy is its discovery by two hikers. In Sept 1991 two German hikers hike in the Alps, the border region where Austria meets Italy. Reinhold Messner, a famous mountaineer later looks at the body. He believes that the body is not hundred years old but it may be thousands of years old.

Dr. Rainer Henn comes to examine the body. Dr. Henn and his helpers put the mummy in a bag. They take it for examination. The mummy is kept inside a room where the temperature is 21.2 degrees Fahrenheit. This is to prevent the mummy from rotting. Dr. Konrad Spindler later examines the mummy and believes that it is at least 4000 years old. An axe, jacket, pants and animal boots made of animal skins are under study. Carbon-14 dating shows that the mummy is more than 5000 years old. The reason for the man’s death is freezing. In Bolzano Italy a museum has been built for the Ice mummy so that people could see it with their own eyes.


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