Sunday, May 17, 2020

Book Review: The New Silk Roads: The Present and The Future of the World by Peter Frankopan

The New Silk Roads is basically an update on the previous classic of Peter Frankopan published in 2015. This one published after three years from 2015 is about interconnectedness of the world, complexities and the emerging patterns in world politics.

From Europe via Russia and Middle East the Silk Roads travel to China. Cooperation, strengthening of state level ties and intricacies of the networks of bondage are greatly debated in this book.  Assessment of the global shifts in power and the regional movements by different states to acquire power linkages is weaved together in a very plain, yet interesting manner. Moreover, food, economy, state politics and political maneuverings in the contemporary world are also covered in this book.

An easy to read book for a student, politician, military strategist or for anybody who cares about world affairs should read this book to analyze the quickly changing political landscape in which we live today.


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