Friday, June 30, 2023


Growing up in a small village Masti Khan saw many hardships. His father was a small trader who barely managed to feed his whole family.Masti studied at a local school, but this did not stop him from helping his father in his business.  After completing grade ten, Masti went to the nearest town. He was a very hardworking student who would never miss his school lessons. He submitted his home assignments on time and was very organized. As...

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Why do I Write?

Writing is very powerful! It is a very strong medium to convey one's message. I personally think its is not an easy job. The more you write, the more you learn and the more you want to write. Sometimes when I look at my old writings I realize how I have progressed over the years. I am sure in five years from now, when I look back I would find my writings different. Writing shows  that change is permanent in a writer's writing. Change in...

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Book Review: Rural-Urban Migration in Pakistan by Frits J. M. Selier

 Pakistan is one of the countries in the developing world where the shocking rate of urbanization and the related problems of housing and employment are caused not only by natural urban increase, but also by an enormous influx of migrants. Karachi is a relevant example in Pakistan which very clearly presents the magnitude of the problems. Rural-to-urban migration is significant because of its close association with economic transformation from...

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Book Review: Nazi War Trials by Andrew Walker

 Andrew Walker provides a chronological account of the proceedings of the trials of the main Nazi figures. The trial was conducted in four languages and involved more than four-hundred sessions of open court. The involved Nazi figures were charged with ‘crimes against humanity’ and put on trial. There were no precedents in international law for the trial of war criminals. The Nazis were on the losing side and were on trial. The Charter of the...

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Book Review: The Ismaili Imams: A Biographical History by Farhad Daftary

 This is the latest book of Daftary in which he tries to present a concise biographical history of all the Nizari Ismaili Imams. Some of them include those living in the formative period of Islam, through to the hidden Imams of the first ‘period of concealment’ when their public identities remained guarded, to the Imam-caliphs of the illustrious Fatimid dynasty, and those of the Alamut period, up to the Aga Khans of the modern times. Some Imams...

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Book Review: Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by Frederick Engels

 Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by Frederick Engels along with the Communist Manifesto is one of the indispensable books for any one desiring to understand the modern socialist movement. The author Engels says that the industrial production since the Middle Ages can be divided into three periods. First, handicraft, second manufacture and third modern industry. Engels says that ‘tradition is a great retarding force.’ Engels observed that...

Monday, June 12, 2023

Book Review: Imperialism at Work: Crow’s Report and Dispatches on Sind Edited by Mubarik Ali

 This edited book is Crow’s account which covers themes such as history, geography, climate, soil, flora, fauna, languages, attire, occupation, revenue, military forces and fortifications of Sind. At the end of the eighteen century the East India Company had established its political domination in India. It was assumed that Russia in alliance with Persia and Afghanistan would attempt to dismantle the Company’s power in India. Zaman Shah came...

Monday, June 5, 2023

Book Review: Rule by Fear: Right Theses on Authoritarianism in Pakistan by Ammar Ali Jan

 Rule of Fear presents eight theses which explain the political, economic and social roots of authoritarianism in the country. This work focuses on the structural features which drive the increasing militarization of society. Jan believes that the paranoia of the masses has created a permanent state of emergency in Pakistan that is used to deploy excessive violence against popular challenges to the status quo. The author calls for the construction...