Thursday, June 29, 2023

Why do I Write?

Writing is very powerful! It is a very strong medium to convey one's message. 

I personally think its is not an easy job. The more you write, the more you learn and the more you want to write. Sometimes when I look at my old writings I realize how I have progressed over the years. I am sure in five years from now, when I look back I would find my writings different. Writing shows  that change is permanent in a writer's writing. Change in thinking also continues with time.

When I have a lot of ideas in my mind, I write them down, but just writing them down does not help. Expanding on those ideas helps in improving one's writing. The more you write the more you improve.

Writing also helps in keeping a record of what you think and believe. From now on, I do not just plan to write. I will write! I will write!


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