Friday, January 26, 2024

Book Review: Pakistan and the Bomb: Public Opinion and Nuclear Options (Edited by Samina Ahmed and David Cortright)

Pakistan and the Bomb presents one of the most thorough surveys of Pakistani public opinion on nuclear policy. It examines the main factors that brought a nuclear arms race in South Asia. One of the perspectives in the book is that the majority of the Pakistani elite support their country's official stance of keeping the nuclear option open. Fear of an attack from India is the central factor behind the support for the nuclear option.

Pakistan's nuclear program gradually evolved during 1960s (p. 9). The nuclear postures of India and Pakistan have gone from calculated ambiguity to overt weaponization. In 1976 Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was dispatched to Islamabad and later to Paris in a bid to halt the reprocessing deal (p. 34). Pakistan's journey to nuclear weapons capability, the three wars of Pakistan, troubled relationship with USA, China's role, and budget allocation for the military are also discussed in the book. The book presents the reader with different perspectives on nuclear policy choices, public opinion poll, and offers a new vision which can lead to a more nuclear weapons'-free future.


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