Friday, June 7, 2019

Book Review: In the Shadow of History by Mubarak Ali

In the shadow of history is a book which consists of articles written by Mubarak Ali. The writer believes that political history is mostly used by dictators and tyrants whereas social history focuses cultural and social values which bring people together. He views history taught at our educational institutions as political history, which serves the ruling classes. Moreover he also talks about attempts by historians to mold history in their own ways. Under the article Colonization and Language Dr. Mubarak Ali explains that military defeat is followed by attacks on social and cultural institutions and traditions in an attempt to make them worthless.

Ali further talks about the role of conspiracies in history. Quoting examples of Greek, Egypt and the Mughals he condemns romanticizing history. He firmly believes that history is not a romantic tale rather it is full of sorrow and misery. Blaming the Sufis he holds them responsible for making people passive and turning them into submissive beings. In addition to that he writes about the falsification of history giving examples of Hamaudur Rehman Commission and Jinnah’s speeches. In addition to that the author adds that Vasco de Gama and Columbus were guided by Muslim seafarers.

Emphasizing on the need to learn from history the author advocates that any nation should accept its mistakes. Ali writes about the need for young researchers to play an active role in historical writing. He quotes Engels who says: “He who writes history textbooks, writes history”. He addresses the problems in Pakistan regarding the writing of history and problems of research in Pakistan. With that he considers the future of research in Pakistan very bleak.

During Ayub Khan’s military dictatorship the subject of history was replaced by social studies. As a consequence history lost its independence. Further in the book the author criticizes Z.A Bhutto for lack of far-sightedness and lust for power. Due to this he lost the chance to strengthen democratic traditions in the country. 23 March was regarded significant after the independence of Bangladesh as it had challenged the very basis of two nation theory. Thereupon its celebration and importance started gaining strength.  

The landed aristocracy of India was the backbone of the modern school system introduced by the British. In a residential school there was no common mess and each boy had his own cook and kitchen. VIP Culture is traced back in history. During the decline of the Mughal Empire an anecdote regarding Mirza Ghalib is shared. Mirza Ghalib refused to serve in a college only because the principal did not come to receive him.

The author considers the prevalent system of democracy in Pakistan as feudal. Dr. Mubarak Ali criticizes fascism, hero-worship and dictatorship. He believes that societies which only rely on heroes for their survival do not prosper. This approach creates confusion in human minds. Instead of remedying their problems they wait for messiahs.

In the second half of the book, most of the articles are written on Sindh. This includes the Arab conquest of Sindh, feudalism, Sindh under foreign rule, Hindu Muslim conflict, and separation of Sindh from Bombay Presidency and nationalism in Sindh. Some of the other articles are about Mazilgah Mosque, communal violence, Sindhi nationalism, Ethnic division in Sindh, peasant rebellions in Sindh and banditry.

This book give one a flash back of major events in history and also highlights the distortions of history which have aggravated problems  and hindered a progressive approach.


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