Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Book Review: Younghusband: The Last Great Imperial Adventurer by Patrick French

 Francis Younghusband was one of the imperialists and adventures who spent a lot of time in united India. In 1903 he invaded Tibet through a brutal full-scale military invasion. Later in life he became a mystic thinker. Younghusband played a very important role in the ‘Great Game’, an intense political struggle between British India and Tsarist Russia. Despite being a classic Edwardian, in the post-World War era he led the way in religious,...

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Book Review: British Relations in Sindh (1799-1843): An Anatomy of Imperialism by Robert A. Huttenback (Introduction by Mathhew A. Cook)

 This book is based on seven chapters. Chapter one covers the French threat, second chapters reflect on the controversy surrounding Cutch (Kutch), third describes the expansion of the British in the region. Chapter four focuses on the Afghan crises from 1834 to 1838. The next chapter gives details about Ellenborough, Napier and the Amirs of Sind. Chapter six is about the annexation of Sind and the repercussions of annexation. Chapter seven is...