Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Book Review: Younghusband: The Last Great Imperial Adventurer by Patrick French


Francis Younghusband was one of the imperialists and adventures who spent a lot of time in united India. In 1903 he invaded Tibet through a brutal full-scale military invasion. Later in life he became a mystic thinker. Younghusband played a very important role in the ‘Great Game’, an intense political struggle between British India and Tsarist Russia. Despite being a classic Edwardian, in the post-World War era he led the way in religious, philosophical and sexual free-thinking. In this book Patrick French unearths Francis Younghusband’s own letters, papers and original documents. French weaves fine travel writing into historical biography, celebrating the imperial adventure.

I have covered some of the interesting points in this book. Younghusband was born in Murree, which is now part of Pakistan. His father was a Major-General in the Royal Artillery. When Younghusband was a Second Lieutenant, he had five servants in India. Robert Shaw was a relative of Francis Younghusband. Francis presented himself as a flawless hero (p. 74). When Grombchevesky and Younghusband met in late nineteenth century, they communicated in French. Younghusband wanted to tame the ruler of Hunza by invading Hunza, which he did in 1891. The Russians had already gained permission to station a council at Kashgar in 1882.

Younghusband moved to Giligt for his exams. He also mentions about the bisexuality of the Mehtar of Chitral. Younghusband believed that the races of Africa and Asia were inferior. He met Curzon, Gandhi and many other people. In 1906 he became the British Resident in Kashmir. Younghusband befriends Bertrand Russell. Russel praises Younghusband. According to Russell the intellectual life at Harvard was very poor. Russell was also expelled from Cambridge. According to the author of this book ‘Russell allowed his crusading ambition to trample on a personal relationship’ (p. 306).

Grombchevesky wrote a letter to Younghusband saying that he was dying and wanted Younghusband to publish his book Kashgar. Younghusband did not. The reasons remain unknown. Younghusband’s views changed at a later stage in his life. Younghusband got honorary doctorate degrees from Edinburgh, Bristol and Cambridge universities.

Dogs and Indian were barred from walking in the Mall at Shimla till 1918. During Lord Minto’s time in India Brown trout eggs were brought to Kahsmir. This book also covers the details of the invasion of Tibet. Curzon wanted the invasion of Tibet and Younghusband acted as Curzon’s henchmen.

I think this book is very interesting for people who want to understand about the professional and personal lives of the colonial officers who lived in India.


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