Friday, July 21, 2023

My Batchmate


Yesterday, I met one of my undergraduate batch fellows (BN) in the capital. Back in the university, he studied economics. I remember him saying how he would teach children in a small rural school, after graduation. Usually after making this particular point he would often smile. Seeing him smile strengthened my belief that he had other plans in his mind.

Yesterday while having green tea, he was busy with his phone sending voice notes. Upon asking him about the urgency, he told me that some one's official work has been stuck in the government department and he (BN) is being asked to fast track the process.

During our conversation, he told me that his elder brother earns between 0.2-0.3 million per day. Both of them serve the same government department, but at different duty stations. He told me how corruption had become rampant in the department and no one can avoid it. He smiled after saying this! He said people from humble background who join the department cause havoc and do a lot of corruption.

BN said that he wants to go for a PhD, after taking an official leave. When I asked him why, he said that if he completes a PhD he can have better chances of applying directly for senior government positions. Currently, he is happy with his junior position, as he wants to construct his own house and earn money. After completing these two tasks, he would would join a BS-19 position and live comfortably.

This batchmate of mine also told me a story of one of his super seniors in the department. Without naming him, he said that in addition to making a lot of money, his super senior owns lands, houses and even a diary farm (of nearly a hundred cows). One cows cost him 0.8 million rupees and he bought all the cows from Australia.

Before saying goodbye to each other, he asked me about the price of my shoes. I told him!


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