Tuesday, July 4, 2023

The Ideal Job

Sitting on a velvet sofa, he gazes at his little grandson. He smiles at him, who is busy building a tower with his lego pieces. The tower crumbles!  Removing his spectacles, the proud grandfather loudly says: "My grandson will become an engineer."

Replying to this the boy's grandma enters the sitting area and says: "A government engineer." To which her husband replies: "Obviously."

In a mild tone the grandpa says: " A government job is like a spring, it keeps flowing." Grandpa's dislike for private sector job is well known among his relatives. Once his nephew told him about how much he enjoyed his job. To which he replied: "Okay, but still it is not a government job."

Everyday at dinner, grandpa delivers lectures on the importance of government job.  He gives his own example of a retired government servant who now enjoys life, after retiring at sixty. Grandpa completed his Masters in religious studies, passed the government examination and got appointed in the audit and accounts department.

During his dinner sermons, his children would never ask him about his education and his mismatch of profession. They would simply nod their heads, avoid asking him questions knowing that he would be infuriated.

One day at dinner, one of his sons made an effort to break the silence. He asked his father if he would allow him to start a business. This made the retired bureaucrat really angry. Looking at his son over his golden spectacles, he did not utter a word signaling his son to shut up!

It was only when tea was served after dinner that their father broke the silence. He said: "What do you guys want. Look at me, I passes the exam and achieved what I had planned. Today, I have pension, two houses, cars, land and respect. What will you do with a business? Lose all the money?"

Grandpa got breathless and went to his room slamming the door. In a few seconds he returned with a red face and said: "Look at your mother and your uncles. They get paid for doing nothing. Who does not want such a life? Such an ideal job? If you work hard you get the reward."

He shut the door again! In disappointment, he asked himself: " When will my children learn?" 


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