Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Book Review: Animal Farm by George Orwell

Animal farm, a satire written by George Orwell tries to portray the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 in the setting of an animal farm. Where the animals are considered to be enslaved by humans, as does the elite dominate the masses in the pre revolution society.Orwell sees failure on part of the farm animals as they thought of animalism as a complete form of system for the animals welfare. The communist society after the revolution also could not live up to the dream of the masses as it was supposedly thought of as a mechanism ending alienation in the masses. 

On the animal two characters Napoleon and Snowfield  dominate the scene throughout the novel. A revolution is brought about on a farm by the animals and humans are declared as roots of all evils. Napoleon and Snowfield begin to have conflict among themselves. Later on the animal farm is brought under the control of the animals as the master humans are kicked out of the farm by a successful animal revolt. 

The animal farm is now managed by the farm animals that put all their efforts to ensure the efficient running of the farm.In addition to that the pigs and dogs benefit their own selves through the introduction of various measures. Horses and sheep belong to the lower class. Napoleon glorifies himself through various sources of propaganda. Years after the authoritative control of Napoleon and the concentration of power in a few hands gives birth to many conflicts. Now the revolution which was brought about years ago is seen more skeptically. Napoleon now at last has started interacting with humans and provides excuses for every step that he takes against the ideology which was his own creation. He has now completely changed his practices by altering all the seven commandments. Furthermore his utopian vision of the common good and satistfaction has withered away the hopes of the animals on the farm.


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