Friday, January 30, 2015

Book Review: The Iron Wall-Israel and the Arab World by Avi Shlaim

Avi Shlaim's book gives the reader an insight to the creation of the so called state of Israel, which has still survived for more than 60 years after its creation, despite the several wars with the Arab world. 

The Zionist foundations are highlighted, who claim living in the sacred land of Israel, to be their indigenous right .It further gives details of the leaders involved in the negotiations held at various points in Middle East. The role played by the Americans in appeasing the Israeli demands has also been mentioned, such as the case of the establishment of the nuclear plant in Israel. 

Israel on the other hand wanted to create a nuclear arsenal in order to gain a grip over the Middle Eastern states. The leaders of Israel felt threatened and somewhat wanted to be secure, so that events such as the holocaust never repeat again in history. 

The Israeli’s had developed conventional weapons and an air force which had raided Palestinian strong hold territories many times. American aid to Israel was another factor which showed their interest in developing better relations with Israel .Israel’s internal planning regarding its intelligence and bureaucracy has also been discussed. Events have been covered from the forcing of Palestinians to renounce their will to live in their own land, to the neighboring countries have also been highlighted. The reader gets a complete account of the Arab-Israel relations over the years and the ups and downs during those years.


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