Friday, January 30, 2015

Book Review: The AKRSP- A Journey Through Grassroots Development by Shoaib Sultan Khan

Writen by Shoaib Sultan Khan,this book basically gives an account of events leading to the intiation of AKRSP in Pakistan.Khan who had previously worked with international development agencies was now called to explore one of the most remote and inaccesible regions in Pakistan. He had experience in working to improve the livelihoods of people of different regions. This involved many projects in the underdeveloped world. His experience of work included the Daudzai project, visit to Japan and Srilanka. Now he has been given the responsibilty to start a project in Northern Areas of Pakistan under the umbrella of AKDN.

Khan has stated the community development principles of Akhter Hameed Khan, who he proudly calls his mentor. At many instances he explains the difficulties encountered at different projects he had managed. The operational level details and the structure of AKRSP are thoroughly explained so that the grass root level involvement in the community development projects is easily shown. This participatory approach of development in rural areas could be followed by other community based organizations and international NGO’s to increase the success rates of projects and practice sustainable development.


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