Friday, January 30, 2015

Book Review: Talks of Akhter Hameed Khan

This Eighty-five-page book outlines the dialogue sessions that took place between Akhter Hameed Khan and the NRSP staff. AHK shares his own experiences in the field of rural development ranging from the Orange Pilot project in West Pakistan and Comilla project East Pakistan. 

At various places he mentions and explains the problems faced by various community development projects mostly in the developing world. In Pakistan’s case, he compares and contrasts the reasons of failure for some projects. 

 Relying heavily on foreign aid, according to him is basically the beginning of the end for the programs. Some factors of his life, such as his education have also been brought to the light. Accompanied by Shoaib Sultan Khan, Akhter Hameed responds to the questions of social organizers, regional managers of different areas. Problems ranging from micro finance to the construction of sewerage lines have been mentioned. 

His talks cover upon various themes including subject of agriculture, public administration, economics, microfinance, basic infrastructure and irrigation schemes in Pakistan. He included Urdu and Persian poetry at various instances in his talks while emphasizing on the need for improvement. The involvement of the local populace in the development of a region is what matters the most, which according to AHK is the only key to success.


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